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Family and Friends Weekend

We only have two days left in Australia! We managed to finalize our wedding details with our celebrant, Vicki, from A Beautiful Day, our floral designer and contact through Caves Beach Resort.

We also had a delightful weekend of time with family and friends. We met at Lucille's with the O'Neill's and the Maher's for brunch on Saturday, thanks to Lucille and Rob for hosting. Nathan reunited with friends from his band in high school on Saturday evening at our home in Caves Beach. We had a wonderful time full of laughter and music! On Sunday, more of Nathan's friends, Ed and Anna and their children, visited for brunch and a walk to the ocean.

After we go back to Seattle, my next stop will be Tennessee to visit with my family and to bring my boys back home. I'm excited that my Mom and my brother will be able to come!

Weddings provide a great way to bring family and friends together. Some of our Seattle friends have asked if we will have a celebration there, as many are not able to make the long trip. The answer is YES, however, we are still coordinating a time and place for that to happen.

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